Wednesday, March 12, 2014

#40DaysofMedia : day seven.

Today's post:


#40DaysofMedia, day seven.

Matt Maher is probably my favorite Christian (and he's Catholic!!!) artist out there. I haven't heard anything by him that I don't like, plus he's amazing live. This song is SO beautiful. It's based on the Litany of Humility, and really captures our desire to become closer to Him by being delivered from earthly things. I highly recommend that you pray this in song and enjoy :) God bless!

Matt Maher's "Every Little Prison"

Litany of Humility

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

#40DaysofMedia : day six.

Today's post:


#40DaysofMedia, day six.

One of my favorite devotions is meditating and praying the Stations of the Cross. There are many versions, but my favorite is Mary's Way of the Cross. Mary's Way of the Cross offers a look through Mary's eyes as towhat happened on Jesus' way to the Cross.

The following is a link to a pretty good resource, including an introduction, an artistic representation of each Station, and of course the prayers and meditations. God bless!

Monday, March 10, 2014

#40DaysofMedia : day five.

Today's posts:


#‎40DaysofMedia‬, day five.

Father Robert Barron is basically awesome--he's brilliant and yet still grounded and easy to understand. There were literally hundreds of videos to choose from, but I chose to share his commentary on Pope Francis being named Time Magazine's Person of the Year because it is a newer video and he outlines great points (not that he doesn't normally). Anyways, enjoy, and God bless you! :)

on Pope Francis being named Time Magazine's Person of the Year ()

Sunday, March 9, 2014

#40DaysofMedia : day four.

Today's posts:


My sincerest apologies for not posting yesterday--it was just one of those days where you don't get five minutes at home (and it was a blast!). Instead of posting two today, I am posting one that in all actuality probably deserves to be mentioned multiple times because it is that important.

‪#‎40DaysofMedia‬, day four.

MODESTY. This topic has been on my heart moreso than usual during the last few weeks. Modesty, in my opinion at least, is one of the topics that some non-Catholics as well as some Catholics, believe the Church should ease up on and adjust to with the times. Society tells us that modesty isn't important, as evidenced by the crop top, short shorts, and "bandeau-under-a-sheer-top" trends, amongst many others.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that, "Modesty inspires a way of life which makes it possible to resist the allurement of fashion and the pressures of prevailing ideologies" (CCC 2523). "Purity of heart requires the modesty which is patience, decency, and discretion. Modesty protects the intimate center of the person" (CCC 2533).

Dressing modestly, for me at least, comes down to one simple word: RESPECT. Modest dressing shows that we have respect for ourselves but also respect for those who see us, as we are making an attempt to respect them by not providing another occasion for sin.

Brothers and sisters, regardless of religion, please join me in a commitment to dress more modestly. I think it is also worth mentioning that just because we are dressing modestly, does not mean that we are sacrificing style. There are plenty of stylish outfits and trends that represent us in the way that we would like to be. As warmer temperatures approach, it may seem as if dressing modestly isn't practical. I will admit, it can be trickier to find non-short shorts and clothes that actually fit and don't stick to every curve, but you can find them, and in doing so, you will be bettering yourselves and others, as well as glorifying God.

One of my favorite Bible verses is the following version of Galatians 1:10. "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God?" Just think about it. It's a goodie.

God bless you.


one of the biggest issues in society today, regardless of religion (in my opinion at least) (

Friday, March 7, 2014

#40DaysofMedia : day three.

Today's posts:


#40DaysofMedia, day three.

Ah, the first Friday of Lent 2014. Fridays during the Lenten season are days in which we abstain from eating meat. Why meat? While there are many different reasons, I was always taught that meat was considered aluxury "back in the day" and being as the core focus of Lent is sacrifice, we are to abstain from eating it. We remember the sacrifice of Christ on Good Friday and unite ourselves with that sacrifice through abstinence and prayer.

Fish fries tend to pop up at local churches and organizations during the Lenten season. If you are in the Carmel area, here are a few parishes with fish fries:
-OLMC is offering fish fries on 3/14 and 3/28 in the parish hall (I have not been able to find the times as of yet, but probably 5:00-7:30 would be a safe bet).
-SMG is offering fish fries every Friday during Lent except for next Friday (3/14) from 4:30-7:30 in the parish hall.
-SEAS is offering fish fries on 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, and 4/11 from 5:00-7:30 in the social hall.


why no meat on Fridays during Lent? ( #40DaysofMedia

Thursday, March 6, 2014

#40DaysofMedia : day two.

Today's posts:


Day 2 of #40DaysofMedia.

When I was figuring out what I wanted to talk about each day, I realized that talking about prayer is so important in our daily lives, and Lent is definitely a good time to improve our prayer lives (not that there's ever really a bad time).

What is prayer? Simply put, it's talking with God. You can talk to him like you would anyone else--I've journaled "bro" and "freaking out" before. Thine, thee, and thou are not necessary. Prayer is a two-way street: one is the active prayer, but the other is listening. There's a difference between hearing and listening. To me, hearing is, well, hearing. Listening however, is keeping your mind and heart open as well as your ears. If you take nothing else from this, please remember that prayer is a two-way street.

We are all called into a relationship with Christ. He calls and calls and calls; it's simply a matter of us saying yes. Every relationship takes effort--praying to someone we can't see and sometimes can't hear isn't easy. If you love someone, you'll make time and you'll do whatever it takes. I know a few people who pray a decade of the Rosary each time they brush their teeth. Praying in the car is also a great method. My dear cousin and I do "bounce prayers" whenever we're together--one of starts off the prayer than we bounce off intentions whenever they come to mind. I really like to journal, while some people might be more fond of reading the Bible. When I was a freshman in high school, our principal told us that his prayers consist of three parts: prayers for his family, prayers for everyone in need of prayers (whether he knows them or not), and prayers for himself. There is no right or wrong way to pray, and everyone prays differently.

We can tell God anything! We can tell Him about our struggles with modesty (Sunday's topic!), our crushes, anything, without fear of being turned away! How beautiful is that!?

In Luke 11, Christ taught us to pray the Our Father. That's basically the perfect prayer, and the fact that it came directly from Christ Himself is even more awesome. Oh, by the way, "Amen" means "so be it," so that's a neat little tidbit.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hey Dad, today we come to You with everything. All our trials, joys, burdens—EVERYTHING. Help us to know You are always there for us. Give us the strength to be completely open. Allow us to know that we can turn to You at all times without judgment. I pray that no one here goes through what I’ve been through, and that if they do, that they know people are here for them. Please grant us the grace to help us develop a true, flourishing relationship with You. Help us to not only hear, but also to LISTEN. Let us know that we are always under Your protection and You never give us more than we can handle. Thank You for everything You have given us and everything You have yet to give us. Let us pray through the perfect prayer You gave us, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A few pertinent quotes & verses:
-"the act of communicating with a god, especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving" -Chacha's definition of prayer
~"He would not urge us to ask, unless He were willing to give." -St. Augustine
~"Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and you will." -Mark 11:24
~"and just because we say the word 'Amen' it doesn't mean this conversation needs to end" -Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Let Us Pray"
~"a gaze of faith fixed on Jesus, an attentiveness to the Word of God, a silent love" -CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church) 2724 on contemplate prayer
~"Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening" -1 Samuel 3:9

(sorry for the length of this, but it is all so important)

God bless!

today's #40DaysofMedia post is focused on prayer--such an important topic. Prayer is a two-way street, both active praying and listening

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy Lent! / #40DaysofMedia : day one.

Hello! I realize that one of the ways to stay accountable is to have "accountabilibuddies"--people who know what you're doing and people who will keep you doing that. Because of this, I am sharing with you what I am doing this Lenten season.

1) I am giving up eating meat for this entire Lenten season--it will be super tough but I can persevere! Sacrifice is the name of the game!

2) I am also posting only Christian/Catholic things on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I will post daily things on Facebook, and occasionally ones on Twitter and Instagram. These posts will sometimes be music videos with maybe a short reflection, and other times it might be my personal thoughts on topics such as modesty and vocations. The goal of this is to use social media in a positive way--social media is SO widespread, so I might as well use it for good. :) I am calling this mission #40DaysofMedia (ALL posts will have the hashtag, whether on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram). I also will be posting every single one on here.

Today's posts:

Happy Ash Wednesday, and Happy Lent as well!

This Lent, I am giving up meat and taking advantage of how widespread social media is. I rarely post things on Facebook anymore (with the exception of sharing photos and videos). However, this Lenten season, I will be purposefully using social media outlets to spread the love of Christ. Every single day I will post something on Facebook (with the occasional usage of Twitter and Instagram)--some days will  simply be music videos with maybe a short reflection, others will be me getting on a figurative soapbox and giving my thoughts on topics like modesty and vocations. I am calling this #40DaysofMedia. To kick it off, here is probably my favorite video in the world. I realize I have shared this before, but it is so good! Please watch, and God bless you :)

day one of #40DaysofMedia--every day I will be posting something Christian/Catholic on Facebook, and sometimes use Twitter & Instagram too!

What are you doing for Lent?? :)