Wednesday, September 18, 2013

excuses, excuses

Mah peeps! Sorry for not posting in (yikes) 5 months! In my defense, however, I've been working on a new project:

While I have NOT jumped ship (aka I've created A Wanderlusting Heart as a second blog, this one being entirely devoted to Haiti. More specifically, my travels to Haiti.

If you want a snapshot of what A Wanderlusting Heart is all about, here is the link to the first post: Alo!

Feel free to check out both A Wanderlusting Heart and remain a loyal follower of DO (that is, if there is anyone out there who reads this anyways! ha!). Thank you!
I got a little bit of a laugh when I looked at the last post I'd put up here. But it was really more of an "Awwww seriously? Why didn't I accomplish like anything!?" type of laugh.

You see, in the most recent post, I'd put up 10 things that I hoped to do this past summer. Looking back, only one of these got done. ONE. And that was #1, only because I have a summer job. Please note that #2 was not accomplished. Sad day. :(

Here's what all happened:

1) CHECK. I work. Woo?
2) FAIL. Big surprise there, huh? I like to shop  :)
3) FAIL. I skateboarded in my garage and on my driveway like five times maybe? But I would NEVER say I learned how to skateboard!
4) FAIL. I think I MAYBE rode my bike once? And I love riding my bike! I miss you, dear Bikey.
5) FAIL. I think I ran outside twice. Even though my hope was pretty vague (it didn't say how many times), I still consider it to be a failure.
6) FAIL. Emmie wasn't 18 when auditions came around. But next summer this IS happening!
7) FAIL. Work sucks. I'm inside all day, every day. :(
8) FAIL. Hells to the no. A six pack did not happen by any means. If anything, I put on the weight!
9) FAIL. Didn't play once. I miss it...maybe if I played I could accomplish 9, 8, and  7!
10) FAIL. I went a maybe 5 or 6 times. Decent, but definitely not every week. :(

Oh well, there's always next year!

BTW: it's SEPTEMBER. New Year's Resolutions, anyone? I failed--I said I'd lose weight. PHA!