Wednesday, April 20, 2011

my sister!

Yes, this post is ALL about my sister. She and I tell each other absolutely everything and it's amazing! She and I aren't TECHNICALLY related, but we are so close we both call each other "sister" and say we each have a sister (actually, Lainey already has 3 sisters [and a fourth may be on the way--her mommy's six weeks pregnant!], but none of her biological sisters are older than her and she's always wanted an older sister and I have no sisters so yeah). And like I said earlier, we tell each other EVERYTHING!
So just so you can get an idea of the two of are some memories!
-calling each other at 10:45 PM on a school night
-parallel parking practice at 10:45 PM on a Sunday night
-crying together til 4 in the morning for several days/nights straight
-being really out of it in school as a result
-being told by Dyar we need 6 hours of sleep. yeah right, like that's gonna happen
-sharing chairs at lunch and choir
-lack of food consumption
-who shall carry the tray today?
-brilliant table-cleaning system
-writing letter after letter to each other
-drawing pics and doodles for each other
-ginger sisters!
-piano class...nuff said.
-venti java chip frappucinos...and storing them in Mr. Duray's fridge in between classes
-getting home at 3 AM more than once
-sharing secrets
-hair salon!
-wandering around the hallways when we're supposed to be in piano...whoops
-skipping second period on mass days to clean up and then chill (I have discrete math and she has government..ick)
-dude drama
-homework help (she helps me with theology, I helped her with geometry last tri and now I help her with chemistry)

in closing, she sent me this really touchingly simple IM a few hours ago...
You are my best friend. I haven't known you for even a year, yet I trust you more than the friends I've had for years. I can tell you anything. You don't judge me. You are one of the best friends I've ever had. Never leave me. Thank you so much. I wanted to remind you that I love you.