Tuesday, May 1, 2012


so i'm officially done with freshman year of college! YAYYYY!!! woo-hoo! it was a bittersweet goodbye. it'll be weird not seeing my hallmates and classmates everyday. i already miss my Quarto study buddies. i already miss CSA. i already miss my freakin psycho roomie. i already miss my friends. i already miss Bellarmine. it's just weird thinking that the next time i go there will be in august. august as in like four-months-away-from-now august.

anyways. here's a photo summary of freshman year! woo-hoo!


in free time: come to the terms with the fact that "free time" is completely and entirely nonexistent. the sad truth.

spinach-mozzarella-salami paninis made with a previously-unused clothing iron! seriously amazingly delicious!

ALLLL of my stuff that i had to have packed up at the end of the year!

henna for india day

abe lincoln and the pennies (a band that two of my friends are in--louie sings, plays keyboard, and plays harmonica; jb who you can't really see in this pic plays drums and sings) performing at mulligan's irish pub on a weekend

a seriously beautiful plant at joe creason park right across from bellarmine

becky, aaron, megan, becca, and i volunteered to sing and play instruments at a walk to cure leukemia

just part of my ridiculously stuffed (inside and outside) wardrobe

me, katie, aaron, and father john at the fall late knight breakfast (knight, get it?! GET IT?!)

me and kaylyn with jeremy, the lead singer of the band days difference...they opened for owl city!

india day

the chicks of cabin 24 at the fall kcsc retreat

becky, regina, liz, and me at a bu vs. nku bball game

me, liz, and amanda at a choir event thingie...we sang at late knight breakfast!

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