Monday, September 17, 2012

KDF internship!

Hey y'all! Sorry it's been SO INSANELY LONG since I've posted!!!! Anyways......I'm at my internship right now (don't worry I won't get in trouble for this--my job is social media and I can basically do anything that helps get the name out there). My internship is with the communications department for the Kentucky Derby Festival, which is essentially the organization that puts together all of the Kentucky Derby events except for, well, the Derby race itself. But we put on the Steamboat Race, Derby Chili Challenge (it's the first year of it!), Thunder Over Louisville, Bed Races, BalloonFest, Celebrity Day at the Downs, the Pegasus Parade, etc! So yeah   :)  Anyways, here are some pics to catch you up!

all ready for my first day! Starbucks PSL, Starbucks lemon loaf, beef pot roast microwaveable lunch,  planner, fully organized binder, tons of pens/pencils/highlighters, and my Derby hat wallet from Cha   :)

the "view" from my least I have a window, unlike all my other nonexistent fellow interns

my office, er, cubicle!

here's hoping they get in touch and we can work it out!

inundated with Derby Chili Challenge recipe submissions! gah!

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