Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm quitting.

I don't remember exactly when I first thought about quitting my job. I'm sure it was probably within a few months of starting. But here I am, a little over a year later, and I am positive I am going to quit my job within two months maximum. The ideal date for me to submit my two weeks' notice would be February 17, because two weeks would be the last day of February and I think it'd be nice to start a new job and all that at the beginning of a month. But time will tell.

Why am I quitting? I've known for months that the legal career is not for me. Also, I'm twenty! I want to travel and be spontaneous while I still can--I've never wanted to be the person who stares at a computer from 8-5 five days a week. And my pay isn't even that good! Yes, I've gotten two raises, but approximately $550 every other week just isn't cutting it. And the work is insanely indescribably overwhelming! There isn't enough time in the day to get it all done! Plus, I'm too crazy busy with working full time and taking classes full time. My "free time" consists of homework, volunteering at youth group, Bible study, and my women's group, and Netflixing while I try to fall asleep. That's not the life I want to live. I LOVE volunteering and Netflix, but I can't have the rest of my life be work. And did I mention that I spend SIGNIFICANTLY more time at work (mostly doing frivolous things like medchronning) than I spend doing school stuff? That's messed up.

Unfortunately, as much as I would love to walk into my boss' office and tell him I'm out, the real world gets in the way. I have bills to pay--school, phone, car, car insurance, etc. I literally cannot survive without a paycheck for longer than a week. I have to have a job lined up so I can start it as soon as my two weeks are up.

So here's my plan. Get a part-time job lined up (preferably at a gym--I want to be a personal trainer, so I think it'd be good to get my foot in the door, even if I'm only answering phones), quit work, focus on school full time, work part time, and maybe (if time allows) work on a personal training certificate.

Here goes nothing! :)


UPDATE: I did it! I quit! I gave my boss my two weeks notice this past Friday, January 31. While quitting that early wasn't the plan, the time was right. He had asked me three out of five days that week if I was quitting, so I was done with that. And I've known for quite some time that this wasn't where I wanted to be or what I wanted to be doing. So I did it. It went better than I expected--he was pleased that I was following my heart and that I was professional and mature about it (I brought a resignation letter, too!). So yeah. It went well. :)

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