Tuesday, February 28, 2012

health kick!

So it's workout time! I'm on a health kick! I've been eating healthier! I've been working out at the SuRF (Sports, Recreation, and Fitness center--the "u" is pointless. it's just there to make a word) almost every day for like 2 weeks. Like I even have a workout log. So here it is! Oh, one last thing...for example, I say "10 min. treadmill" three times so in the end, it equals 30 minutes, but it's split up.

10 min. treadmill
10 min. treadmill
10 min. treadmill
30 sec. wall sit
30 sec. wall sit
30 sec. wall sit
15 crunches
15 crunches
30 alternating crunches (total)
30 alternating crunches (total)
10 min. elliptical
10 min. elliptical
10 min. elliptical
30 lunges
30 lunges
30 backwards lunges
30 backwards lunges
30 burpees (squat down low then jump up high)
30 burpees
10 min. bike
10 min. bike
10 min. bike
5 min. jump rope
5 min. jump rope
15 bicep curls: right arm (6 lb. weight)
15 bicep curls: right arm (6 lb. weight)
15 bicep curls: left arm (6 lb. weight)
15 bicep curls: left arm (6 lb. weight)
30 high knees
30 high knees
30 fence total (pretend like I'm stepping over a fence, then crouch down low)
30 fence total
30 sec. "Jesus" (stand up with arms straight out to the sides...like a cross)
30 sec. "Jesus"
30 sec. weighted circling "Jesus" (same thing as "Jesus" [described above] except you hold 4 lb. weights and circle them in small circles slowly)
30 sec. weighted circling "Jesus"
30 sec. backwards weighted circling "Jesus"
30 sec. backwards weighted circling "Jesus"
30 sec. quick feet
30 sec. quick feet


So I went on the spring KCSC retreat this past weekend!

KCSC stands for Kentucky Catholic Student Coalition. Basically it's the Kentucky branch of Catholic college students! So yeah KCSC puts on 2 retreats each year, and then a summer shindig which is basically a summer party!

Anyways, it was only my second KCSC retreat (my first was in the fall), but I was elected to be a Bellarmine co-liaison with Anna! So basically my duties include planning the fall and spring retreats, communicating with the officers (president, vice president, secretary, public relations, webmaster, treasurer, and retreat director), relaying information back to Bellarmine, and recruiting people to come on the retreat! It should be super fun! We have our leadership retreat on May 4th and then a planning meeting/retreat thingie August 10th and 11th! I'm so pumped! So yeah :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

that time of the year again.

As the title might suggest, it's that time of the year again. But that's pretty vague. I mean, really. What exactly is it the time of the year for? Ah, I know! LENT. To put it simply, Lent is a Christian holiday that runs from Ash Wednesday til Easter Sunday. Well, technically the last day of Lent is the day before Easter Sunday (Holy Saturday). It's 40 days (not including Sundays) that represents the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert fasting, as well as the 40 years that the Israelites spent roaming in the desert before entering the Holy Land.

Essentially, Lent is all about fasting and prayer. Long ago, the fasting meant literally fasting--as in giving up/limiting food. Nowadays it can be fasting anything. For example, this year I'm giving up Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes people choose to [also] add in other things [that help them grow closer to Christ]. In addition to giving up Facebook and Twitter, I'm also going to go to the chapel daily, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and pray/sing St. Alphonsus Liguori's version of the Stations of the Cross--Mary's Way of the Cross. Giving up Facebook and Twitter could quite possibly kill me. In the 4+ hours that Lent has been going on, I've already thought of like probably 20 things I wanted to Facebook/Tweet and then I realize that I can't Facebook/tweet because I gave up both. SO PATHETIC, RIGHT!? How much we rely on social media and technology as a whole!? Lent really puts things in perspective.

Roman Catholics (like myself) and possibly other Christian religions (I'm not certain on this) give up meat on Fridays as well. Fish fries are very popular on Fridays for this reason. We don't eat meat on Fridays to commemorate Jesus' sacrifice (which occurred on what we now call Good Friday) by giving up a worldly pleasure. Meat is a worldly pleasure. I don't really know if that's a good description but oh well. It's 4:37 right now and I can't sleep so that's what you get! haha

happy Lent and I'm sure I'll be venting about my Lenten struggles on here since I can't use Facebook or Twitter! haha

Monday, February 13, 2012

Emmie's wedding

So Em (my favorite cousin in the whole wide world who will be my maid of honor!) is in the same boat as I am: she's not engaged either! Woo! Yay for premature wedding planning! So when she saw I had my whole wedding planned out practically, she asked me to do one for her with her theme. Whereas mine is floral, hers is the color scheme of brown, yellow, and cream! Super chic! Here goes, and wish me luck! :)

my stunningly gorgeous cousin, Em!

dress #1: elegant. simple. classy. (David's Bridal style SAS1200)

dress #2: different, but beautiful. (David's Bridal style 123014)

dress #3: Alfred Angelo. enough said. (Alfred Angelo style 1148)

3 cakes I found...I think they're all beautiful! I know Em specified chocolate cake, but I had to add in the one with the damask...too pretty to pass up!

pretty :)

and now for some random stuff...placeholders, favors, and even an invite! purdy :)

and for bridesmaids there are way too many options out there regarding length, etc...so here's a website hahaha SEE BRIDESMAID DRESSES HERE but I couldn't resist including a few samples! all of these are available in a ton of shades of yellows and a ton of shades of browns! oh, also, you can change the color of the sash and the dress on the first dress! :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

encouraging words.

I've been struggling so much with a ton of different things. School-related stress, like midterms coming up. Boy-related stress (need I say more)?. Faith-related stress, like feeling guilty and unworthy to enter God's house for Mass. Friend-related stress, like trying (and failing) to maintain long-distance friendships. UGHHHH STRESS.

So I've been praying a lot and I've been asking a lot of people who are close to me to pray for me and give me any advice they may have (I haven't been specific with too many of them--to most I've just said I'm really stressed with all kinds of stuff).

Here's what I've found through prayer and what others have told me! And some of these things just came through other forms (like Facebook) from God. Sometimes we just need to know we're loved, not alone, and that it will all be alright in due time.

-God, my Father, take away all my pain and sufferings. (this came to me and kept repeating in my head when praying while walking through a labyrinth at CSA on Wednesday)
-"Hang in there and praise God in ALL things. Even the dark times. And call out His name. He is ever close to you!" (Mama Bedford)
-"Because of sin we're never as good as we know we should be. Because of grace we're never as jacked up as we could be." (Lecrae [Christian rapper])
-"You are my best friend. I haven't known you for even a year, yet I trust you more than the friends I've had for years. I can tell you anything. You don't judge me. You are one of the best friends I've ever had. Never leave me. Thank you so much. I wanted to remind you that I love you." (Lainey texted me this last year)
-"If you are not yet married but in a relationship, does your relationship Glorify God? Your relationship should be preparing you to enter into a marriage of purpose designed by God." (Facebook: "I want a Godly marriage" page)
-"When God leads you to the edge of the cliff in your life, trust Him fully, let go...either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly." (randomly saw it on Facebook)
-"the desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for." (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
-"no matter how far I drift away from Your shore, by Your Grace I'll always be Yours" ("Unchanging" by Joe Zelek)
-"know that God is with you, even in the temptations, every step and every moment. Seek Him, call on His name, for when someone calls on the name of Jesus, satan will run away. Say His name out loud...even if it's just a whisper" (Mama Bedford)
-"you think you want to die, but in reality you just want to be saved" (randomly found this on Facebook)
-Deus Caritas Est ("God is Love"--Pope Benedict XVI's first encyclical letter)
-"day by day, day by day, oh, dear Lord, three things I pray...to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day" ("Day by Day" from Godspell)
-"I love you the way you are, and I love to make you the way I am." -God (randomly found this)
-"when I know that I know what You have down the road, when I’m sure that
I’ve figured You out, help me see that I’m small, that I can’t know it all ‘cause You’re so unpredictable, ‘cause You’re so unpredictable" ("Unpredictable" by Francesca Battistelli)
-"for my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (from Handel's "Messiah" which College Singers sang, but Becca reminded me of this)
-"everything will work out. Just let go of all of your stress and anxiety and give it to Him" (Becca)
-"the Lord will always lead you to happiness." (John T.)
-"The sheer fact that you DESIRE to be close to Him and DESIRE to love Him more is a sign that you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you and that you are a child of His. You are marked from your Baptism for Him" (Mama Bedford)
-"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11)
-"God treats everyone alike. He accepts people only because they have faith in Jesus Christ. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins." (Romans 3:22-24, found through "The Bible" page on Facebook)
-"I know the road has been rocky lately, but things will get better soon. I'll be there for you. I'll hold your hand and offer you a shoulder, and you'll get through this difficult time with shining colors. Never quit hoping, dreaming, and trying. Dreams do come true if you spread your wings and fly" (Renee)
-"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23, quoted by Leah on Facebook)
-"You do not know know what I am doing, but later you will understand and be thankful." (God)
-"If Jesus Christ Himself suffered on the cross, then who am I to think or feel that I am above the suffering?" (a priest to Mama Bedford)
-"God will provide." (John T.)
-"you just need to strive after doing God's will and things will fall into place." (Billy)
-"If we were always happy in this life then what would we have to look forward to in our heavenly life? There is a difference between 'happiness' and 'joy.' Happiness can be thought of as 'horizontal'...things of this world. But 'joy' is 'vertical'...those things having to do with the spiritual life, my relationship with Christ." (Mama Bedford)
-"every blessing comes down from the Father, not in payment for good done, but as a gift." (the book Redeeming Love, quoted by Stephanie on Facebook)
-"Mistakes are the essence of humanity. Grace is the essence of Christianity." (Adam Jeske, quoted by Lauren on Facebook)
-"Though our ability to love fails, Gods love never fails. His love for us is not hindered by our inability." (Lecrae)
-"God allows sufferings to happen so that you will truly rely upon HIm in all things. He wants you to not get bogged down by what you are going through but look at it as a opportunity to ask Him to help you and strengthen you and love you. He can make good from all things, even things you wish were different." (Mama Bedford)
-‎"Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us." (Hebrews 12:1, found through Nicole)
-"I am above all things: your problems, your pain, and the swirling events in this ever-changing world. When you behold my face, you rise above circumstances and rest with me in heavenly realms. This is the way of peace, living in the light of my presence. I guarantee that you will always have problems in this life, but they must not become your focus. When you feel yourself sinking in the sea of circumstances, say "help me, Jesus" and I will draw you back to me. If you have to say it thousands of times daily, don't be discouraged. I know your weakness and I meet you in that very place." (a reflection Mama Bedford shared with me)

I'm obsessed. It's a problem.

As the title might suggest, I have a problematic obsession with something. What is this something, might you ask? WEDDINGS. I LOVE WEDDINGS. I. LOVE. WEDDINGS. I.L.O.V.E.W.E.D.D.I.N.G.S. I don't know how else to put it. But I do! Ever since my freshman year roomie, Liz, told me she was engaged (weird, I know--I don't believe in getting married when you're in college either), I haven't been able to stop being marveled with everything wedding-related. And quite frankly, Pinterest isn't helping. Gah. So here is my wedding post. :) OH, MINOR DETAIL: I'm kiiiiiiiinda single. So I guess I need to find a guy in order to pull of this fantastic wedding hahaha any takers?   :)

This schmexay lady is my spectacular, amazing, wonderful, fabulous, stunning, adorable, hysterical cousin Emily. Aka my future maid of honor. She'll get her special recognition, don't you fret. :)

my dress! I LOVE it just as much as I love weddings in general! I love it cuz it's a traditional cut and style (T3267 from David's Bridal), but the pattern is slightly out there--just my style. LOVE IT.

mini cakes! Try and tell me these aren't the cutest things ever. Try. I DARE YOU. Cuz you can't deny that they are! I've known for a while that I've wanted to make my own wedding cake. So I'm thinking what I'll do is make my own wedding cake (like the big full-size one) and then have Em and my other bridesmaids help me make and decorate these mini wedding cakes for each guest! I think that'd be a fun and productive bonding activity! And I'll have a few different flavor options and designs :)

idea #1 for a bridesmaid dress. The plan would be for each bridesmaid to have a different color that coordinates with the wedding theme colors (the colors in the dress). Another plus of this would be that each bridesmaid can find a color that fits them and their skin tone. (Alfred Angelo style 7243....there's also a floor-length version that's style 7243S)

idea #2 for a bridesmaid dress! It is SO important for me that my bridesmaids can wear their bridesmaid dress to other events--no one wants to be like Katherine Heigl in "27 Dresses" with a closet full of [ugly] bridesmaid dresses that they can't wear except for that one wedding! (Alfred Angelo style 6471)

okay wouldn't my flower girl look adorable in this!? Seriously! Any little girl can pull off this beautiful dress! It would only further enhance her natural beauty! (Alfred Angelo style 6650)

okay now this is just cuteness to the max! So cute! Put it by the guest book maybe? As the guests enter into the reception area?

this would be uber-adorable above the table where the newlyweds sit! Maybe. Idk. Might be pushing it over the top. Debatable.

yup. I'm a boss. You got that right. You finally learned. I just made this collage in two seconds (s/o to ShapeCollage! but seriously fo realz, thanks ShapeCollage!). These are 7 decor ideas, for both inside and outside. MAKE A DECISION, GOSH DANG IT. Can def do more than one, like for table settings. I could have more than one floral arrangement idea thing on each table, or I could have each table have a different centerpiece. Options. We've got options, peoples.

I admit it. I now really like ShapeCollage. Way too much. WAYYYYYY too much! Oh well, it's helpful! So yes, I used this wonderful bit of technology to create a collage showcasing 4 totally different ideas for a new take on the classic guestbook!

Oops! I did it again! Guilty as charged. I once again used ShapeCollage. Way too addicting. Just like all this wedding stuff! Well, at least it's helping me be productive, right? Riiiiiight!? Because sleeping at 3:30 AM? The thought of that is just preposterous. So I'm being productive :) So yeah this time I used ShapeCollage to make a collage of three different ideas for wedding favors. If I really wanted to, I could make each one so that it could also be a placecard. Like for the candle, I could set a card on top with their name and table! I could write the guest's name and table number on the pot for the take-home plant. And I could slip a piece of paper with the name and number under the ribbon thingie on the box (which I could fill with candy or whatever I wanted).

HURRRRRRR. Florals. The theme that will run throughout my wedding ceremony and reception is floral. So just a subtle flower in the hair will do!

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Carmel, Indiana. I've been a member of OLMC since I first moved to Indy (when I was 5 1/2 years old...so since 1998). It's a gorgeous church and it definitely has a special place in my heart. So this WILL be the venue of my ceremony! My hubby (who is currently unknown haha) will just have to suck it up and be willing to be married here :) He can pick the reception venue though! haha

So yeah that's all I have right now, but don't you fret--I'm sure I'll update this on other nights/mornings when I can't sleep! haha <3